For warnings, precautions for use and contraindications, please consult the instructions for use.
Nicorette 2 mg box of 210 original sugar-free gums, is recommended for moderately to weakly dependent smokers . This drug is indicated in the treatment of tobacco dependence in order to relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal in subjects wishing to stop their consumption of tobacco. 2 mg chewing gum can be used as monotherapy or in combination with Nicorette transdermal patches (medical advice advised).
Reserved for adults (from 15 years old)
This medication can be used in :
Nicotine: 2 mg, as nicotine resinate
Excipients: sodium bicarbonate, anhydrous sodium carbonate, Dreyco gum, sorbitol, 70% crystallizable sorbitol, 85% glycerol, Haverstroo flavor, smoking flavor.
DOSAGE Nicorette 2 mg
Do not exceed 30 gums / day.
Chew the gum for the first time, then keep it against the cheek for about 10 minutes: the gum softens and allows the nicotine to be released gradually. Then chew the gum very slowly (about 20 times in 20 minutes).
CONTRAINDICATIONS with Nicorette 2 mg
This medication should not be used by a non-smoker or occasional smoker.
Hyper-sensitivity to one of the compounds.
Oral route
Read the instructions carefully
With a view to definitive detoxification, cessation of smoking is a necessary condition for successful treatment.
Precautions are necessary in case of stomach or duodenal ulcer , renal or hepatic insufficiency .
In these situations, a prior medical consultation is essential before using this medication; a cessation of smoking without substitution treatment may be necessary.
Do not use other medicines containing nicotine, including transdermal devices without medical advice.
Nicotine is a toxic substance. Do not leave the chewing gum within the reach of children.
The products contained in tobacco smoke can accelerate the rate of elimination of certain drugs, especially theophylline. When smoking cessation, these drugs can see their effect strengthened and signs of overdose may appear. Contact your doctor in case of any doubt.
Pregnancy :
Smoking in pregnant women may cause fetal growth retardation. Stopping tobacco is always desirable. In women who are highly dependent on nicotine, the use of this medication may be an aid, but the effects of nicotine alone on the fetus are poorly understood. This drug has the advantage of not exposing the fetus to other toxic substances present in tobacco smoke. In summary: if the ideal is not to smoke and not to expose the fetus to nicotine intake, the use of this drug is a lesser evil compared to tobacco.
Nicotine passes into breast milk, and breast-feeding is not recommended during treatment.
If breastfeeding is nevertheless chosen, preferably take the gums after the stubborn.